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Sri Aurobindo's Works
published in "Arya" (1914-1921)

Links to external sites on the Web where you can read them
(and to many internal links)

Updated on November 24, 2002

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IMPORTANT: The Freeservers site is no longer updated since December 5, 2001 - Do no longer use it and forward the info. Thanks!
Where to buy the books ?

You can ask for a free emailed catalog at SABDA (Publisher of the Ashram, Pondicherry - India)
or visit SABDA's own website (catalog and prices, international correspondents)
In the U.S.A. see also the Website of Lotus Light Publications
(US editions of all the major works of Sri Aurobindo, as well as a major importer of the books from the Ashram)

See the special section on the Weblinks page
See also a list of booksellers on the special page of the Miraura Website (external link)

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  "The careful student of Sri Aurobindo [and of The Mother] is ALWAYS aware of the period to which the work he is reading belongs" (from the introductory note to the 'Glossary of Terms in Sri Aurobindo's Writings')

The "Arya" (of which you may want to read a list of contents Link on external website) was published monthly between August 15, 1914 and January 15, 1921.
Sri Aurobindo wrote there his major works for the first time (they have been revised afterwards):

  • Aim of the "Arya" : "To feel out for the thought of the future, to help in shaping its foundations and to link it to the best and most vital thought of the past."
    (Sri Aurobindo in "Our Ideal" in 'Arya' 15 August 1915)

  • Conditions of writing: "As for calm and silence, there is no need of the supramental to get that. One can get it even on the level of Higher Mind which is the next above the human intelligence.[...] A calm or silence that is what I have had - the proof is that out of an absolute silence of the mind I edited the 'Bande Mataram' for 4 months and wrote 6 volumes of the 'Arya'. Not to speak of all the letters and messages."
    (Sri Aurobindo letter from August 23, 1935 in 'On Himself' page 162)

Internal links are in orange, external links in black and green

It is possible that some links do not work : Russian sites (noted ? - Russian) are often down, and the directory PC93 is erratic on the Web (on April 18, 2000 it has just re-appeared on the Net!): try them at different times. I have put a question mark (?) before them

  1. 'Arya': Its significance (in 'Arya': September 1914) (internal)
    and French translation/ Traduction française "Arya" Pourquoi ce titre ? (tiré de Arya en français N° 3 - Octobre 1914) (18 Kb) (interne)

  2. The Life Divine

    Important Bibliographical Note on the changes in "The Life Divine" [from 1914/1919 to 1939/1940] (internal)

    internal on this site: Special Page for "The Life Divine"
    (presently on site: internal)
    "The Life Divine" Book Two Part II: The Knowledge and the Spiritual Evolution

    (Fulltext in Word6-Format to download)

    - also: Links to selections from The Life Divine (too here) (External sites)

    see also:
    Sri Aurobindo's Major Teaching: The Spiritual Evolution: ( = The last 6 chapters of "The Life Divine") (written in 1939-1940) (or External Links - Fulltext in many parts of about 20 Kb each)
    Links (excerpts from The Life Divine assembled by Pavitra (Philippe Barbier Saint-Hilaire) together with excerpts of "The Synthesis of Yoga" and of "The Human Cycle" in "The Future Evolution of Man", also (?) here (130 Kb) (External sites)

  3. The Synthesis of Yoga (Special Page)
    Important Note on the History of Revision and Publishing of 'The Synthesis of Yoga'
    Presently on site: internal:
    Part 1: The Yoga of Divine Works
    • *01 - The Four Aids (Arya January 1915 - moderately revised in 1932) (46 Kb) (internal)

    Part 2: The Yoga of Divine Knowledge

    Part 3: The Yoga of Divine Love Fulltext in 8 Chapters (from May to December 1918) (155 Kb) (internal)
    1 - Love and the Triple Path / 2 - The Motives of Devotion / 3 - The Godward Emotions / 4 - The Way of Devotion / 5 - The Divine Personality / 6 - The Delight of the Divine / 7 - The Ananda Brahman / 8 - The Mystery of Love.
    also in French La Synthèse des Yoga - Le Yoga de l'Amour Divin Chapitre 8 et dernier "Le Mystère de l'Amour" Francais (français, traduction de Mère) (30 Kb) (internal)

    Part 4: The Yoga of Self-Perfection (all internal)
    Note: No chapter in this part was ever revised by Sri Aurobindo. The texts of these twenty-five chapters are identical to those of Arya chapters XLIX–LXXIII. They were renumbered I–XXV by the editors of the 1955 edition. The Appendix consists of two incomplete versions of a chapter Sri Aurobindo began to write in 1920 or 1921, just before he discontinued the Arya.

  4. The Secret of the Veda
    (Link Fulltext on external erratic PC93 site (?) here: one Html file of 1 Megabyte!)
    also in chapters:

  5. Hymns to the Mystic Fire (translation of the Veda)

  6. Bhagavad Gita as translated by Sri Aurobindo, a special page from where you can read the Bhagavad Gita chapter by chapter, (internal)
    01 - The Dejection of Arjuna / 02 - Sankhyayoga / 03 - Karmayoga / 04 - Towards the Yoga of Knowledge / 05 - The Yoga of Renunciation / 06 - The Yoga of the Supreme Spirit / 07 - The Yoga of Knowledge / 08 - The Immutable Brahman / 09 - The King-Knowledge or The King-Secret / 10 - God in Power of Becoming / 11 - The Vision of the World-Spirit / 12 - Bhaktiyoga / 13 - The Field and Its Knower / 14 - The Three Gunas / 15 - The Supreme Divine / 16 - Deva and Asura / 17 - Faith and the Three Gunas / 18 - Renunciation and Moksha
    or in fulltext (137 Kb) (internal) or download it both in Html or RTF (zipped) formats (disabled)
    and many links to external sites with other translations into English (and also a translation into French - et aussi une traduction en français )

  7. Essays on the Gita (August 1916 - July 1920) Special Page
    1. First series
    2. Second series
  8. The Ideal of Human Unity (September 1915-July 1918)
  9. The Human Cycle (former called: The Psychology of Social Development)

  10. The Future Poetry
    • Link Chapter 2: The Essence of Poetry (January 1918) (Full Chapter - External Site) (32 Kb). If the link above doesn't work, try here.
      The site does not indicate the reference: SABCL volume 9, pages 10-16.
    • Link a few quotes here (in an article on External site)

  11. Heraclitus
  12. Links The Superman (too here ) (35 Kb) (Fulltext) (External sites)

  13. Links Ideal and Progress: (Full Text in 5 chapters - External site)
    1. Link On Ideals
    2. Link Yoga and skill in works
    3. Link The conservative mind and eastern progress
    4. Link Conservation and Progress
    5. Link Our Ideal

  14. Evolution (Full Text in 3 chapters - internal)
    1. Part1: Evolution (internal) (22 Kb)
    2. Part 2: The Inconscient (internal) (25 Kb)
    3. Part 3: Materialism (internal) (37 Kb)

      From A Defence of Indian Culture:

  15. The Renaissance in India (internal)
    • The Renaissance in India (August 1918-November 1918, reviewed and corrected in 1920) Full Text of the 4 chapters in one file (100 Kb) (internal)
    • The Right Remedy Last page of 'The Renaissance in India' (9 Kb) (internal)

  16. Indian Spirituality and Life (in 'Arya' August-December 1919) (Full Text in 5 chapters - internal)
  17. On Indian Art (full book in 4 chapters)
    Links From the E-zine Srijan (or here) Vol1, No1
    • Link Chapter 1 (January 1920) (Full Chapter on External site) (47 Kb). Non-indicated reference is SABCL volume 14, pages 196-210.
      also Link Indian Art - Chapter 1 (Excerpts) (External site) (13 Kb)
    • Link Chapter 2 (February 1920) (Full Chapter on External site) (46 Kb). Non-indicated reference is SABCL volume 14, pages 211-225.
    • Link Chapter 3 (March 1920) (Full Chapter on External site) (42 Kb). Non-indicated reference is SABCL volume 14, pages 226-238.
    • Link Chapter 4 (April 1920) (Full Chapter on External site) (51 Kb). Non-indicated reference is SABCL volume 14, pages 239-254.

  18. Indian Literature (May 1920 - September 1920) Full text in 5 parts (internal)
  19. The Upanishads
    • The Isha Upanishad, as translated by Sri Aurobindo and published in 'Arya' in August 1914. With transcription of the original text in Sanskrit and notes of the translator. (41 Kb) (internal)
      Isha Upanishad en français. Francais Traduction de Jean Herbert, revue et corrigée par Sri Aurobindo. (9 Kb) (interne)

    • Links Selection from Comments on the Isha (Fulltext) and Kena (Fulltext) Upanishads (External sites)

  20. War and Self-Determination
  21. From The Problem of Rebirth (later 'Rebirth and Karma')
  22. Thoughts and Glimpses (Aphorisms: in "Arya" March, May, June 1915 and Thoughts and Glimpses in "Arya" May 1916 and August 1917) (internal) (31 Kb) et [Translation in French ] Aperçus et Pensées (internal)

    and also :

  23. A Preface on National Education (Nov-Dec 1920 & January 1921) (internal) (29 Kb)
  24. translations (Link Bhartrihari on External site, out of order),
  25. aphorisms (internal) (7 Kb) (Mother's comments, Link selection on External site here) and epigrams,
  26. miscellaneous essays (Link All-Will & Free-Will - Delight of Works on External site),
  27. discussions on materialism, meditation, astrology (Review: About Astrology [internal] (23 Kb)) and the universal consciousness,
  28. notices of books and journals,
  29. reviews: South Indian Vaishnava Poetry = on Tamil poets: Andal - Nammalwar (May & July 1915) (internal) (14 Kb)
  30. appreciative notes on poetry and art...

(Thanks to the encyclopaedic work "Sri Aurobindo, a biography and a history" of K.R. Srinivasa Iyengar !)
Where to buy the books ?

You can ask for a free emailed catalog at SABDA (Publisher of the Ashram, Pondicherry - India)
or visit SABDA's own website (catalog and prices, international correspondents)
In the U.S.A. see also the Website of Lotus Light Publications
(US editions of all the major works of Sri Aurobindo, as well as a major importer of the books from the Ashram)

See the special section on the Weblinks page
See also a list of booksellers on the special page of the Miraura Website (external link)

If you know other places with Sri Aurobindo's or The Mother's Works on the Web, please email me. Thanks

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