Bernard's Note: I have
found the text on the Net, but there were many typos or missing passages
or even pages. I have all verified, corrected or completed, word after
word, with the help of the printed edition in my possession. The following
text is therefore the only one correct on the Net at publishing's date
(December 17, 2000).
Publisher's Note: The translation
of the Gita presented here was compiled mainly from Sri Aurobindo's
"Essays on the Gita". It first appeared in "The Message
of the Gita", edited by Anilbaran Roy, in 1938. Sri Aurobindo approved
this book for publication; however, he made it clear in one of his letters
that the translations in the Essays were "more explanatory than
textually precise or cast in a literary style". Many of them are
paraphrases rather than strict translations.
Sri Aurobindo also wrote that he did not wish extracts from the Essays
"to go out as my translation of the Gita". This should be
borne in mind by the reader as he makes use of this translation, which
has been provided as a bridge between the Gita and Sri Aurobindo's Essays.
01 - The Dejection of Arjuna
02 - Sankhyayoga
03 - Karmayoga
04 - Towards the Yoga of Knowledge
05 - The Yoga of Renunciation
06 - The Yoga of the Supreme Spirit
07 - The Yoga of Knowledge
08 - The Immutable Brahman
09 - The King-Knowledge or The King-Secret
10 - God in Power of Becoming
11 - The Vision of the World-Spirit
12 - Bhaktiyoga
"The Gita in its last six chapters
[see below], in order to found on a clear and complete knowledge
the way of the soul's rising out of the lower into the divine nature,
restates in another form the enlightenment the Teacher has already imparted
to Arjuna.
Essentially it is the same knowledge, but details and relations are
now made prominent and assigned their entire significance, thoughts
and truths brought out in their full value that were alluded to only
in passing or generally stated in the light of another purpose."
(Sri Aurobindo, "Essays on the Gita", Second series,
Part Two "The Supreme Secret", Chapter 13 "The Field
and its Knower", SABCL volume 13, page 395)
13 - The Field and Its Knower
14 - The Three Gunas
15 - The Supreme Divine
16 - Deva and Asura
17 - Faith and the Three Gunas
18 - Renunciation and Moksha
You might want to:
- Read online Sri Aurobindo's Bhagavad Gita in
ONE html file (130 Kb)
- Download Sri Aurobindo's Bhagavad Gita in ONE formatted file in RTF-format,
Police Arial, ZIPped (50 Kb). For downloading use the RIGHT
button of your mouse. You must have an un-zipping software. [temporarily
- Read excerpts of Sri Aurobindo's "Essays
on the Gita"
- Compare with other translations on the following sites (all EXTERNAL
LINKS to Tables of Contents):