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In order to avoid further misunderstandings, please note BEFORE you write your message that:
- I am NOT an institution, but an individual person (see below) and therefore I do NOT send books, photos, documents, pamphlets, magazines, etc. All the information I can offer is on the site.
- I do NOT offer yoga-courses, spiritual guidance or any similar commercial or spiritual "affiliation" programs or help. On the contrary, my intention in offering photos and texts is that everybody can find food for own thought and own practice and own judgement and own sadhana.
- I am NOT Satprem, although we have the same first/Christian name, the same language (French) and the same birth-country (France). Similarly I am NOT the Bernard in Auroville.
- This site does NOT depend on the Sri Aurobindo Ashram nor on the IRE/IFE nor on the SAS nor on Auroville nor on any spiritual center or association or bookshop in the world, with or without the label "Integral Yoga".
Thanks for your understanding.

Bernard - Webmaster of the Intyoga Website

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mais si voulez m'écrire indiquez dans votre email "intyoga" + @ + "online.fr" (tout attaché bien sûr)
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but you can manually write to me, indicating the address "intyoga" + @ + "online.fr" (in one word, of course)

Please, remember : I am NOT Satprem -- Attention, je rappelle: je ne suis PAS Satprem

As more and more visitors are coming from Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother (Miraura) or through search engines and do not know me, I give a few words of explanation: I am a Frenchman still living in France (hence sometimes my bad English, it is not my native language) and a member of the mailing-list "Auroconf", which gathers people interested by Sri Aurobindo and The Mother.
The photo-montages were originally intended for the members of Auroconf who wanted them. I make them when I receive a clear image of what I have to do, generally for Darshan-Days. But more and more people, also outside of Auroconf, have asked me for having them and I have found more practical to put them onto the Web.
Later I have added the texts, the links and the many sections of the Website.

If you want to become a member of the mailing list "Auroconf" just send a message to auroconf-request@aurobindo.org, and in the BODY of the message (not the subject line), type the single word "subscribe."
There are also other mailing-lists devoted to Savitri, The Synthesis of Yoga, The Integral Psychology and daily quotes-lists or quotes from Mother's Prayers and Meditations. And also a general information list. [Same subscription method as above]

There is also a more specific and moderated list, devoted to the practice of Sri Aurobindo's integral yoga, with particular conditions for membership. See its Website here.

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