Please, remember : I am NOT Satprem -- Attention, je rappelle:
je ne suis PAS Satprem
As more and more visitors are coming from
Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo
and The Mother (Miraura) or through search engines and do not know
me, I give a few words of explanation: I am a Frenchman still living in
France (hence sometimes my bad English, it is not my native language)
and a member of the mailing-list "Auroconf", which gathers people interested
by Sri Aurobindo and The Mother.
The photo-montages were originally intended for the members
of Auroconf who wanted them. I make them when I receive a clear image
of what I have to do, generally for Darshan-Days. But
more and more people, also outside of Auroconf, have asked me for having
them and I have found more practical to put them onto the Web.
Later I have added the texts, the links and the many
sections of the Website.
If you want to become a member of the mailing list "Auroconf"
just send a message to,
and in the BODY of the message (not the subject line), type the single
word "subscribe."
There are also other mailing-lists devoted to Savitri,
The Synthesis of Yoga,
The Integral Psychology
and daily quotes-lists
or quotes from Mother's Prayers
and Meditations. And also a general
information list. [Same subscription method as above]
There is also a more specific and moderated list, devoted to the practice
of Sri Aurobindo's integral yoga, with particular conditions for membership.
See its Website here.
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