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by Sri Aurobindo IMPORTANT BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE [from 1914/1919 to 1939/1940] |
The Life Divine first appeared in the monthly journal Arya, its fifty-two original chapters being published in fifty-four instalments between August 1914 and January 1919. In 1939 and 1940 Sri Aurobindo revised and enlarged these chapters preparatory to the publication of the work in book form by the Arya Publishing House, Calcutta. The twenty-eight chapters which make up Book One, published in November 1939 as "Volume I", include the first twenty-seven chapters from the Arya (with the same titles and in the same order, from 1-01 to 1-27) and, in addition, a twenty-eighth (1-28) chapter which is entirely new. With the exception of Chapter XIX (1-19) and Chapter XXIII (1-23), both of which have major additions and changes, the revision of the chapters of Book One was confined to the alteration and addition of marks of punctuation, words or short passages. The first edition of Book Two, "recast and enlarged", was published in July 1940 as "Volume II", in two parts bound separately. Among its twenty-eight chapters were included twelve that were entirely new: Chapters I (2-01), II (2-02), V (2-05), VI (2-06), X (2-10), XIV (2-14), XXIII (2-23, SE 01), XXIV (2-24, SE 02), XXV (2-25, SE 03), XXVI (2-26, SE 04), XXVII (2-27-SE 05) and XXVIII (2-28, SE 06). Of the remaining sixteen chapters, eleven, namely Chapters III (2-03), IV (2-04), VII (2-07), VIII (2-08), IX (2-09), XI (2-11), XII (2-12), XIII (2-13), XVII (2-17), XIX (2-19) and XX (2-20), were similar to Arya chapters; nevertheless all of them were substantially revised, and several were given new titles. Chapters XV (2-15), XVI (2-16), XVIII (2-18), XXI (2-21) and XXII (2-22) contain some material from the Arya, but much that was entirely new. Chapters XVIII (2-18) and XXI (2-21) were so thoroughly revised that they may be considered new. The Arya Publishing House published a second edition of Book One as "Volume I" in 1943 and a second edition of Book Two, Parts I and II, bound together, as "Volume II", in 1944. These second editions incorporate a few minor corrections and changes of the author. A third edition of Book One only was published as "Volume I" by the Arya Publishing House in 1947. The first American edition of The Life Divine was published in 1949 by the Sri Aurobindo Library, New York. A second impression of this edition was issued by the same publisher in 1951, and a third impression by the India Library Society, New York, in 1965. In all these impressions the two books were combined in a single volume and a comprehensive index was provided. The Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education, Pondicherry, published two impressions of the fourth Indian edition of The Life Divine, both complete in one volume, in 1955 and 1960. The fifth edition was published by the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, in 1970. Three impressions were issued that year. The first formed part of the de luxe edition of the Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library, Book One and Book Two Part I comprising Volume 18 and Book Two Part II comprising Volume 19 of the set. The second impression constituted the corresponding volumes of the popular edition of the Centenary Edition, a facsimile reproduction of the de luxe edition. The third impression was reproduced similarly in a reduced format. The fourth impression (1973) is identical to the third, except that it includes a glossary of Sanskrit terms and two appendixes. The fifth and sixth impressions (1977 and 1980) incorporated a few corrections of typographical and editorial errors and included a new index and glossary. The fifth impression was in two volumes, the sixth bound as one. The present (seventh, 1982) impression, like the five preceding impressions, was reproduced by photo-offset from the fifth edition (1970), the de luxe Centenary Edition. It incorporates for the first time a few minor corrections made by the author in his copy of the 1940 edition. Contents of "The Life Divine" Book One Omnipresent Reality and the Universe [Original in Arya from August 1914 to October 1916] 1-01. The Human Aspiration [1939: alteration and addition of marks of punctuation, words or short passages] 1-02. The Two Negations The Materialist Denial [1939: alteration and addition of marks of punctuation, words or short passages] 1-03. The Two Negations The Refusal of the Ascetic [1939: alteration and addition of marks of punctuation, words or short passages] 1-04. Reality Omnipresent [1939: alteration and addition of marks of punctuation, words or short passages] 1-05. The Destiny of the Individual [1939: alteration and addition of marks of punctuation, words or short passages] 1-06. Man in the Universe [1939: alteration and addition of marks of punctuation, words or short passages] 1-07. The Ego and the Dualities [1939: alteration and addition of marks of punctuation, words or short passages] 1-08. The Methods of Vedantic Knowledge [1939: alteration and addition of marks of punctuation, words or short passages] [22 February 1915: Mirra Alfassa - not yet the Mother - leaves Pondicherry] 1-09. The Pure Existent [1939: alteration and addition of marks of punctuation, words or short passages] 1-10. Conscious Force [1939: alteration and addition of marks of punctuation, words or short passages] 1-11. Delight of Existence The Problem [1939: alteration and addition of marks of punctuation, words or short passages] 1-12. Delight of Existence The Solution [1939: alteration and addition of marks of punctuation, words or short passages] 1-13. The Divine Maya [1939: alteration and addition of marks of punctuation, words or short passages] 1-14. The Supermind as Creator [1939: alteration and addition of marks of punctuation, words or short passages] 1-15. The Supreme Truth-Consciousness [1939: alteration and addition of marks of punctuation, words or short passages] 1-16. The Triple Status of Supermind [1939: alteration and addition of marks of punctuation, words or short passages] 1-17. The Divine Soul [1939: alteration and addition of marks of punctuation, words or short passages] 1-18. Mind and Supermind [1939: alteration and addition of marks of punctuation, words or short passages] 1-19. Life [1939: major additions and changes] 1-20. Death, Desire and Incapacity [1939: alteration and addition of marks of punctuation, words or short passages] 1-21. The Ascent of Life [1939: alteration and addition of marks of punctuation, words or short passages] 1-22. The Problem of Life [1939: alteration and addition of marks of punctuation, words or short passages] 1-23. The Double Soul in Man [1939: major additions and changes] 1-24. Matter [1939: alteration and addition of marks of punctuation, words or short passages] 1-25. The Knot of Matter [1939: alteration and addition of marks of punctuation, words or short passages] 1-26. The Ascending Series of Substance [1939: alteration and addition of marks of punctuation, words or short passages] 1-27. The Sevenfold Chord of Being [1939: alteration and addition of marks of punctuation, words or short passages] 1-28. Supermind, Mind and the Overmind Maya [1939: entirely new] Book Two The Knowledge and the Ignorance - The Spiritual Evolution Book Two - Part One The Infinite Consciousness and the Ignorance [Original in Arya from November 1916 to December 1917] 2-01. Indeterminates, Cosmic Determinations and the Indeterminable [1940: entirely new] 2-02. Brahman, Purusha, Ishwara, Maya, Prakriti, Shakti [1940: entirely new] 2-03. The Eternal and the Individual [1940: substantially revised] 2-04. The Divine and the Undivine [1940: substantially revised] 2-05. The Cosmic Illusion; Mind, Dream and Hallucination [1940: entirely new] 2-06. Reality and the Cosmic Illusion [1940: entirely new] 2-07. The Knowledge and the Ignorance [1940: substantially revised] 2-08. Memory, Self-Consciousness and the Ignorance [1940: substantially revised] 2-09. Memory, Ego and Self-Experience [1940: substantially revised] 2-10. Knowledge by identity and Separative Knowledge [1940: entirely new] 2-11. The Boundaries of the Ignorance [1940: substantially revised] 2-12. The Origin of the Ignorance [1940: substantially revised] 2-13. Exclusive Concentration of Consciousness-Force and the Ignorance [1940: substantially revised] 2-14. The Origin and Remedy of Falsehood, Error, Wrong and Evil [1940: entirely new] Book Two - Part Two The Knowledge and the Spiritual Evolution [Original in Arya from January 1918 to August 1918 - The chapters from September 1918 to January 1919 have been are replaced with "The Spiritual Evolution"] 2-15. Reality and the Integral Knowledge [1940: much entirely new] 2-16. The Integral Knowledge and the Aim of Life; Four Theories of Existence [1940: much entirely new] 2-17. The Progress to Knowledge - God, Man and Nature [1940: substantially revised] 2-18. The Evolutionary Process - Ascent and Integration [1940: thoroughly revised, may be considered new] 2-19. Out of the Sevenfold Ignorance Towards the Sevenfold Knowledge [1940: substantially revised] 2-20. The Philosophy of Rebirth [1940: substantially revised] 2-21. The Order of the Worlds [1940: thoroughly revised, may be considered new] 2-22. Rebirth and Other Worlds; Karma, The Soul and Immortality [1940: much entirely new] [The Spiritual Evolution: [1940: entirely new]] 2-23. (SE 01) Man and the Evolution [1940: entirely new] 2-24. (SE 02) The Evolution of the Spiritual Man [1940: entirely new] 2-25. (SE 03) The Triple Transformation [1940: entirely new] 2-26. (SE 04) The Ascent towards Supermind [1940: entirely new] 2-27. (SE 05) The Gnostic Being [1940: entirely new] 2-28. (SE 06) The Divine Life [1940: entirely new] |