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Sri Aurobindo - Poems

(Last Update: June 28, 2002 )

1- Before 1914 / 2 - 1930-1938 / 3 - The Sonnets (1937-1939) / 4 - 1939-1950

SABCL volume 5 contains "Collected Poems, The Complete Poetical Works"
But for that page:
Classification and verifications of almost all poems have been made according to the book in bilingual (English-French) edition: "Les poèmes de Sri Aurobindo" [The poems of Sri Aurobindo] published by Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Pondicherry (1981, reprint 1995), diffusion by SABDA . A few poems are taken from the Volume 5 of SABCL.
SABDA has now its own website (catalog and prices)

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