- 1 - Before 1914
- Early poems written in England:
- O Coïl, Coïl (1890-1892)
- Hic Jacet (Glasnevin Cemetery) (1890-1892)
- Five early poems (Reminiscence, A Tree, Revelation,
The Sea at Night, A Child's Imagination) (1895-1908)- Five other early poems (Life and Death, God, The Fear of Death,
To weep because of a glorious sun..., I have a hundred lives...) (1895-1908)- Lines on Ireland (1896)
- The Rishi ("Baroda Period" 1893-1906) - Long "Upanishadic" Poem
- Hymn to Durga (Durga-Stotra) (1905?)
- The Mother of Dreams - written in Alipore jail (1908-1909)
French translation: La Mère des Rêves
- Invitation - written in Alipore jail (1908-1909)
- Bande Mataram (November 20, 1909)
Between 1914 and 1930, Sri Aurobindo wrote no poems. He was writing his major works in the "Arya" and translating the Upanishads and Hymns of the Vedas from the Sanskrit (and others from the Bengali or the Tamil).
- 2 - 1930-1938
- Kamadeva
- Life
- Ocean Oneness (1930, revised 1942)
- The Dream Boat (1930, revised 1942)
- Soul in the Ignorance (1930, revised 1942)
- Renewal (1930, revised 1942)
- The Tiger and the Deer (1930, revised 1942)
- Ascent (1930, revised 1942)
- Descent (1930, revised 1942)
- Trance (October 15, 1933)
- Transformation (1933-1934)
- Nirvana (1933-1934)
The Other Earths (1933-1934)
- Jivanmukta (April 13, 1934)
- Thought the Paraclete (December 31, 1934)
- Musa Spiritus (July 31, 1935)
- A God's Labour (July 31, 1935)
- Bride of the Fire (November 11, 1935)
- The Blue Bird (November 11, 1935)
- The Yogi on the Whirlpool (March 14, 1936) - unpublished
- The Kingdom Within (March 14, 1936) - unpublished
- In the silence of the midnight... (incomplete)
- 3 - The Sonnets (October 1937 - November 1939)
- Sounds (ex The Divine Hearing) (October 24, 1937)
- Discoveries of Science (ex Discoveries of Science 1)
- The Way of the Spirit (ex Discoveries of Science 2)
- Science and the Unknowable (ex Discoveries of Science 3)
- The Infinitesimal Infinite
- Evolution [1]
- Evolution [2] (revised March 22, 1944)
- The Silver Call (revised March 23, 1944)
- The Call of the Impossible
- Man, the Thinking Animal
- Man, the Despot of Contraries (revised July 29, 1940)
- Electron (July 15, 1938)
- The Indwelling Universal (July 15, 1938)
- The Pilgrim of the Night (July 26, 1938 revised March 18, 1944)
- The Hidden Plan (July 26, 1938 revised March 21, 1944)
- The Witness Spirit (July 26, 1938 revised March 21, 1944)
- The Inconscient (July 27, 1938 revised March 21, 1944)
- Liberation [1] (July 27, 1938 revised March 22, 1944)
- Cosmic Consciousness (July 28, 1938)
- The Golden Light (August 8, 1938 revised March 22, 1944)
- Life-Unity (August 8, 1938 revised March 22, 1944)
- The Cosmic Man (Septembre 25, 1938)
- The Iron Dictators (November 14, 1938)
- One Day - The Little More (1938-1939)
- The Greater Plan (September 12, 1939)
- The Universal Incarnation (September 13, 1939)
- Krishna (September 15, 1939)
- The Cosmic Dance (Dance of Krishna, Dance of Kali) (September 15, 1939)
- Shiva (September 16, 1939)
- The Word of the Silence (September 18 & 19, 1939)
- The Self's Infinity (September 18 & 19, 1939)
- The Dual Being
- Lila (September 20, 1939)
- Surrender (September 20, 1939)
- The Divine Worker (September 20, 1939)
- The Guest (September 21, 1939)
- The Inner Sovereign (September 22, 1939)
- A Dream of Surreal Science (September 25, 1939)
- The Little Ego (September 26 and 29, 1939) - unpublished
- The Miracle of Birth (September 27 and 29, 1939)
- Moments (September 29 and October 2, 1939)
- The Bliss of Brahman (September 29 and October 21, 1939)
- Liberation [2] (October 2 & 3, 1939)
- Light (October 3 & 4, 1939)
- ' I ' (October 15 and November 3, 1939)
- Omnipresence (October 17, 1939)
- Adwaita (October 19, 1939)
- The Unseen Infinite (October 1939)
- Because Thou art... (October 25, 1939)
- Divine Sense (November 1, 1939)
- 4 - 1939-1950
- Despair on the Staircase (October 1939)
- A passage from "Ilion" (circa 1942)
- Who art thou that camest... (March 22, 1944)
- The Mother of God (1945) - unpublished
- Is This the End? (June 3, 1945) - unpublished
- Silence is all,... (January 14, 1946) - unpublished
- The Inner Fields (March 14, 1947)
- Oh ye Powers of the Supreme... - unpublished
- In a mounting... - unpublished
- Soul, my soul, reascend... - unpublished