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Sri Aurobindo

In the silence of the midnight...

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In the silence of the midnight, in the light of dawn or noontide
I have heard the flutings of the Infinite, I have seen the sun-wings of the seraphs.
On the boundless solitude of the mountains, on the shoreless roll of ocean,
Something is felt of God's vastness, floating touches of the Absolute;
Momentary and immeasurable smiled the sense nature free from its limits, -
A brief glimpse, a hint, it passes but the soul grows deeper, wider :
God has set his mark upon the creature.

In the flash or flutter of flight of bird and insect, in the passion of winged cry on treetops,
In the golden feathers of the eagle, in the maned and tawny glory of the lion,
In the voiceless hierophants of Nature with their hieratic script of colour,
Orchid, tulip and narcissus, rose and nenuphar and lotus,
Something of eternal beauty seizes on the soul and nerves and heartstrings.

(This poem is incomplete.)

Sri Aurobindo

Reference: # 67 in "Les poèmes de Sri Aurobindo" (bilingual edition)
also in "More Poems" - 54
all published by Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Pondicherry
diffusion by SABDA

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