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Sri Aurobindo

Oh ye Powers of the Supreme...

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Oh ye Powers of the Supreme and of the Mother, the Divine,
I have come to you initiate, a bearer of the sign,
For I carry the name in me that nothing can efface.
I have breathed in an illimitable spiritual Space
And my soul through the unfathomable stillnesses has heard
The god-voices of Knowledge and the marvels of the Word.

It has listened to the secret that was hidden in the night
Of the inconscient infinities foreshadowing His might.
He arose out of the caverns of the darknesses self-enwrapped
And the nebulae were churned up like to foam-froth and were shaped
Till the millions of universes mystical upboyed
Were outsprinkled as if star-dust on the Dragon of the Void.

I was born then in the infinitesimal and obscure
As a seed soul in the fire seeds of the energies that endure.
I have learned now to what purpose I have laboured as His spark
In the midnight of Matter like a glow-worm in the dark
And my spirit was imprisoned in the muteness of a stone,
A soul thoughtless and left voiceless and impuissant and alone.

between 1940 and 1950

Sri Aurobindo

Reference: # 164 in "Les poèmes de Sri Aurobindo" (bilingual edition)
all published by Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Pondicherry
diffusion by SABDA

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