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Sri Aurobindo

In a mounting ...

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In a mounting as of sea-tides, in a rippling as of invisible waters,
On a cry in me my soul is uplifted, in a passion of my nature
My heart climbs up towards thee, O unimaginable Wonder and Resplendence,
In its striving for the caress of thy Light and for the embrace of thy Presence.

If once given were but a touch of thy feet on the thrilled bosom of my longing
But a glance of thy eyes mingling with mine in the recess and the silence,
Such a rapture would envelop me, such a fire of transfiguring effulgence,
I could never again be as a man upon this earth, but one immortal.

For my mind would be dissolved in a sun-glory of God-vision and of knowledge,
And my heart would be made suddenly more pure and determined and self-tranquil,
And my nerves and my body would transmute into an ethereal divineness,
A fit vesture for the godhead thou buildest in me, for the immortal thy adorer.

O thou, Life of my life and the unseen heart of its ecstasy and its beating,
O Face that was disclosed in the beginning of the worlds and the immenseness,
Let thy Flame-wisdom leap down upon the coilings of our python inconscience.
Let the Love-wine be poured out in thy chalice, let me be drunk with it for ever.

I shall meet thee in the ocean of thy stillness, in the ether of thy splendour,
Thy Force shall be in my veins like the ichor in the Unaging who are deathless;
My soul shall be as one breath with thy soul and thy infinity around thee,
And shall quiver into the vision of thy beauty and the marvel of thy sweetness.

between 1940 & 1950

Sri Aurobindo

Reference: # 165 in "Les poèmes de Sri Aurobindo" (bilingual edition)
all published by Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Pondicherry
diffusion by SABDA

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