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Sri Aurobindo

Soul in the Ignorance

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Soul in the Ignorance, wake from its stupor.
Flake of the world-fire, spark of Divinity,
Lift up thy mind and thy heart into glory.
Sun in the darkness, recover thy lustre.

One, universal, ensphering creation,
Wheeling no more with inconscient Nature,
Feel thyself God-born, know thyself deathless.
Timeless return to thy immortal existence.

1930, revised 1942

Sri Aurobindo

Reference: # 147 in "Les poèmes de Sri Aurobindo" (bilingual edition)
also in "Collected Poems and Plays, volume 2" - 367
all published by Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Pondicherry
diffusion by SABDA

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