See also the Guestbook
A few feedback emails
on the montages with Sri Aurobindo and The Mother, on the charts of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother, on the texts of Sri Aurobindo and Mother, and on the Links-pageLast Update : January 3, 2001
Jump to the emails on the astrological charts
(From the most recent to the older ones)
A few emails between July and December 2000
See also the Guestbook
- Your site is looking better and better - it's especially wonderful to see material from the Mother's Conversations (1930-31). [...] Now thanks to you they (and so much other material from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother) are up for all to benefit from. You are doing really excellent work in the service of the Divine; in the ocean of mediocre web sites on all sorts of trivial material, your coverage of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother is a true pearl of light. I really feel that your site represents [...] the continuing spirit and consciousness of Their teachings on the Web. (A.K. / Australia)
- I am getting much more delighted to know about Mother & Sri Aurobindo through your Website. (M.S. / India)
- Je veux aussi te remercier pour le montage si beau du 5 décembre: je n"avais jamais vu cette photo avant...c'est bouleversant de paix et de liberté! (C.K. / France)
- Many, many thanks for blessing us all with your photos and website. It takes a lot of work, time, and dedication to maintain all of this. I am grateful. I thank you for holding the torch. (A.A.G. / USA)
- By the way, I like your montage for today. It will take some time to reflect upon its meaning. (A.S. / USA)
- Certain things happened in my life a few days back. I was just wondering mentally what could be the meaning of it. Then comes this photo-montage of Nov 16. The message it sounded was just for me... [...] Thanks again for the wonderful, meaningful (persoanlly) montage. Also the picture with the Mother overlooking gives one an impression that she is ever present seeing each one of us and leading us. (S. / USA)
- Thanks for the good work. (D.H. / USA)
- Thanks for offering so much through your intyoga web-site. (C.D. / USA)
- I found an answer on my question in the text below, which I found on [your] great, very helpful site... (E.E. / Netherlands)
- I'm from Russia. I'm 33. Exuse me for my bad English. Ten years ago book of Satprem was caught in my hands. From the first string I've understood - it's for me. I've knew from his books about Mother, Sri Aurobindo and him. Thanks to Him, Eternity touch me. I find Your website recently. Thank You. (E.T. / Russia)
- dear sir, in the name of Mother i send my gratitude to you. i meet some orphan girls and they are happy to be with Mother and i will show them the photos sent by you. they will be delighted to see the photos. thanks once again. (I.S. / Madras - India)
- Dear Bernard, You are a unique person. The contents of your websites reflect the hours of work and resources that you spend only to make yet another aspect of Their personages available to the visitors. That is a measure of how much you enjoy and benefit from Their Guiding Spirit and are ever willing to share your Blessings with us. Thank you ever so much for being the very nice person that you are. With our gratitude and love. (D.P.S. / USA)
- Tous mes remerciements pour ce site si riche - je n'en ai pas exploré tous les recoins - mais ça fait plaisir de trouver de si belles choses sur la toile. (C.P. / France)
- i was pleased to find your website with all the information about Sri Aurobindo. It would be an honor if you would consider putting a link to our complete website on your links page. (S.K. / American editor)
- I have "accidentally" discovered your web, etc. And I would just like to say that it has really cheered me up to see all the photos and all other details of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. Thank you, in the Light of the Divine. (D.M. / India)
- Thank you again for all the wonder work you do to bring Sri Aurobindo and the Mother to the world. (D.J. / Australia)
- Thanks a lot for your site that is a mine of informations and documents. Hare Om. (M.M. /Italy)
- The other thing is that I take this opportunity to thank you for all you do to put the Aurobindo-Yoga-texts up in the net, I really appreciate it very high, it's great work you are doing! Thank you! (D.H. / Germany)
- I'm personally quite pleased to see so many of the works of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother available on your web site. (K.S. /USA)
- Ton site est très réussi et surtout très agréable à visiter.On y découvre beaucoup de choses ( par exemple les horoscopes de Mère et de Sri Aurobindo ) et les liens sont parfaitement complémentaires. (H.D. / France)
- It is always such a pleasure to see the website growing ...with beautiful content. I particularly like your idea of a section on senior disciples of Sri Aurobindo and the The Mother. (K.V.R / Singapore)
- Thank you. In Their Light. (D. / UK)
- I know it is a great deal of work Bernard, again, and not to be repetitive the benefit which you have provided me, over the past couple of years in your work and presentation of Sri Aurobindo the Mother, Satprem and the few others cannot be overstated. If I make the statement that because of your presentation as described I am further along the path of the Integral Yoga, and that I am most grateful to you for that, then I hope in that Light you will realize my appreciation. (B.F. / USA)
- Thank you so much for doing this...[ = Poems Page]. I just read one, Transformation, and I saved your site to my favorites list so I can go back to it later to read more. What a gift it is that you have given us! Thank you! (K. / USA)
- Thank you so much for the photo montage of 15 Aug 2000 and the bridge you have made with Sri Ramakrisha. I accessed this mail from my office and could not resist spending 2 hours !! . Bernard, may the Almighty grant you more and more of energies to do this wonderful work that you are doing. (D. / Singapore)
- It was really wonderful to see the photo montage combining Sri Aurobindo and Sri Ramakrishna. Thanks and kind regards. (S. / South Africa)
- Thanking you profoundly for all you're doing through cyberspace.. But then.., who are we to thank each other since we all do everything for implementation of The Vision of Sri Arawinda and Mere? With good energies from here. (M. / Auroville - India)
- Want to express my thanks once again for the many, many interesting treatises, quotations, references, and testimonials as well as those beautiful web pages which you so constantly share with all on the auroconf network.[...] Once again, thank you for your selfless devotion and sharing of so much of the wisdom of Sri Aurobindo and Mother's teachings along with your insights into Christianity and Catholicism from a French perspective. In gratitude. (P.E. / USA)
- I have seen the wonderful work that you have doing. I am based in Pondy for the last 35 years and have had darshan of The Mother several times in a a year. (M. / Pondicherry, India)
See also the Guestbook
Emails between February and July 2000
- What a wonderful work you are doing !! I am sure you have the Mother's guidance from within for putting together such lovely work for our small world of devotees all around the globe. We are indeed part of the Mother's family and your website draws us closer to each other at a click, no matter where we are in the world. (K.V.R. / Singapore)
- On Mother's Paintings:
Thanks for sending the web-link to Mother's drawings. Its been great to see it on the web, since I never got to get the book. (C.D. / USA)
Delightful, thanks! I found some of the oils from Japan particularly beautiful. (K.S. / USA)
- Bernard, your work is unrelenting and marvelous, I just wanted to send a quick note of thanks, I access your site several times a week. It seems accurate to tell you that it may be underestimated how your site, and the wonderful, work, translations, and dedication to it which you do furthers the unfolding for so many people of the IY in their lives. You are a wonderful gift to all of us working on this path. (B.F. /USA)
- Once in a while when I want to read some thing of Mother or Sri Aurobindo, when I am at work I go through your site and I feel very happy about reading the material or brousing through or look at the pictures or go to different links that you have provided there. Thank you very much for the very good and useful pages and nice work that your doing. with regards (R.G. / India)
- Thank you, Bernard, for all your effort and diligence. I may not write you often, but I want you to know that I appreciate all you are doing. I visit your pages often. A friend and I are going to the conference in Connecticut in July, and I do so wish you could come too, but probably you will not be able to. Some day perhaps we will meet. Love and High regards (M.K. / USA)
- The life is a vast flow from immense source. time is a minute for It. I am now in feign of Satprem Who really receives the clues from Mother for the new species. It is apparent for all. Most of the time I can not feel my existence after reading of the book "Mind of the cells". Really it is creating a harmonious atomosphere, deficiency of the present human race which will allow the new millieu. On the touch of Sweet Mother (A.S./ India)
- Yesterday I took a printout of 'Yoga and its objects' by Sri Aurobindo from your site and I have read it this morning . Oh ! how splendidly inspiring and compelling the writings of Sri Aurobindo . And again all credit goes to your great work in putting up all these precious pieces of writings on the web for aspirants like me to be guided by since I am not fortunate enough to have the physical guidance of Sri Aurobindo or Mother and I do not have access to all of their writings at present (D.N. /USA)
- Excellent Bernard, I am thankful for your continued efforts, hard work, and dedication to your web site. I generally at work keep your web site open at the bottom of my window. When I sense the lower pulls of the chaos of work and such, I find it helpful to pull any section nearly at random and slow down for a moment to read and take in the words or photo's in that section. Again thanks for all your efforts. (B.F. / USA)
- Once again thank you very much for sharing the photos for Darshan with all of us. The comments by Mother were very good and but of course very difficult to implement, at-least from my present state of consciousness. We do understand the English words and their translation etc mentally. I am sure you can understand what I mean. (R.G./USA)
- Many thanks for your site. I came know many things from your site. I believe Sri Aurobinda's work and Mother. I feel their exixtence every moment of my life. I am greatful to them for my new life. (S.R. / India)
- I've watched your site grow and am impressed by your dedication and perseverance, and its value to the online yoga. (D.H. / USA)
- Thank you very much for posting the words of Satprem, as I did when I heard the voice of the Mother, I cried. It is such a great joy to hear the voice. Thank you again (D.J. / Australia)
- Dear devotee, what to say. i am stunned and speachless. thanks (I. / India)
- I wrote to you thanking for the work you are doing. It is always a great pleasure to enter in your web and look at the photo-montages and be inspired by the whole atmosphere you have created there. Shall the light, love and force of Sri Aurobindo and Mother be with you.(K.M. / Spain)
- Thank you dear brother! (L.M. / USA)
- I have once again visited your site. "The Darshan" site is great. (S.R. / India)
- It was very inspirational to be to contact with Aurobindo and Mother through your news anbd site. I will look forward to future news... I am reading the Synthesis of Yoga and am thoroughly convinced more than ever of its veracity and divine inspiration! (A.G. / USA)
- I was very nice surprised, visiting your rich of information Web site. Thanks a lot for your care to keep us oriented in the sea of sites on the Net! It's great that there are so many resources on the Net, cause in Bulgaria still I don't know any people who are on the same Sunlit Path, even there aren't any translated books, only one, written by Satprem. Thanks again for all of yours efforts and go on ahead with the same devotion, as possible!! (T. / Bulgaria)
- I want also thank you for all what you're doing for us, your site, your messages and your being a wide, clear channel to meet Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Thank to you, I'm receiving more clearly their help and this is the most important present I can have in my life. Thank for your devotion and your love. I've subscribed the list in February and it is helping me so much in my process of growth, that I'm feeling big gratitude for you and all the other members. (G. / Italy)
- Thanks! You have done an excellent job with the website. I frequently visit the site and browse through the different things. It really makes me feel closer to Them. Thanks again! (S.C. / USA)
- Quel beau montage qui comprend Auroville, une réalité importante pour la manifestation du Supramental sur la Terre. Ton montage est excellent. Tout est Divin, alors pas de séparation. Auroville est notre avenir, à nous les humains, alors c'est très important. (C.B. / Canada)
- I was delighted to follow your web-link to the Mother's agenda in English. I downloaded the volumes and now have them on my computer and can refer to them very easily. I thank you for the link. (R.)
- Many thanks for your time and great effort to keep us(me) informed of all the wonderful events that keep the work of the "Mother" alive and active in the world. What an enlightened being you are! (A. / USA)
- I like it very much. I think I will visit it several times, and maybe I print some downloaded elements just for the fun to look at them. Have a good time, and thank you for this photomontage (S.K. / Austria)
- Thank you very much for the beautiful picture of Mother for the Darshan. The picture has been very captivating. I am truly grateful to Mother and to you for giving us all an opportunity to look at these pictures and the associated messages. (R.G. / USA)
- Thank you for the beautiful work you do. Please keepme on the list. (P.M. / USA)
See also the Guestbook
Emails of December 99 and January 2000
- I am so thankful for your effort's, and so grateful for your postings !! You are a Bright Light in this World of Confusion, and I, For One, Truly apprececiate your efforts. I am convinced You are transmitting more Love & Light than most of us know !! You continually produce stuff that is Uplifting, Enlightening, Encouraging, and so welcomed !!!! Thank You, So very Much !! (B.C.H. / USA)
- Thank you for all the nice the work and the directions how to turn it [=the calender] into wallpaper; I have now done that for the first time ever! (A.S. /USA)
- It is so nice to see somebody create a page for the mother and the bhagwan.... the photos are really good... thank you so much.... (K.S. /USA)
- And it is time to express my gratitude once again for your efforts to put in one place all those photos and articles. (Z.G. / Croatia)
- By receiving your montage Mothers photo overwhelmed me so much, that for some time I got in a trance. Since then many things are going on within myself. I appreciate it very much that you send me this information. It shows the love you have for Aurobindo and Mother. A love which I share with you. I hope the next millennium will lead human kind to their enlightenment. (F.S. / Netherlands)
- What an excellent web page. Thanks so much for the hard work. (B.F. / USA)
- By the way, have I ever told you I really love your web site? And the last additions are so touching. (A.S. /USA)
- It is always a Pleasure to visit your website, and see all the wonderful work you have done. And the wonderful work you continue to do ! Your Light is strong, and unmistakable. Thank you so very much, (B. /USA)
- I am new to this (forum? or what is the right term here?), introduced via Bernards' website. [...] Very lonely at times midst people who don't know much and don't care much about spirituality. [...]. Since being on the Internet I have been able to 'visit' the ashram in Pondy and Auroville, with Bernard and now this forum. These virtual visits are wonderful and I feel inspired by them. (J.S. / Netherlands)
- Dearest Bernard: THANKS. Your dedication and recent Darshan postings are Divine. (B.A.N. / USA)
- I really appreciate your efforts for this kind of work you are doing. [...]. And what a beautiful quote you've chosen! It's almost THE millennium quote and it says everthing. We all hope so much that our "dreams" of Truth will become true! With lots of encouragement - (T./ Auroville)
- Merci Bernard pour tes extraits, citations et photos très enrichissants et apportant un esprit d'unité. (C.K / France)
See also the Guestbook
Emails of October and November 99
- Many blessings to You dear Bernard for sharing your photos with me. (A.P. / USA)
- Thank you for setting up that beautiful website. (G.S. / USA)
- Gratitude to you Bernard, gentle friend. (H.P. / Australia)
- Thanks a lot for the photo montage. It is absolutely beautiful. (K. / Singapore)
- Peace. Thank you for the photo-montages that you prepare for the world wide web. "Prepare the children. . ." is what Mother is saying today. (W.S. /USA)
- Thanks for esp. your beautiful work. (A.v.d.L / USA)
- Thank you very much for the beautiful montage. Once again a wonderful way to begin my meditation. (Bh. / USA)
- Thank you Bernard for providing this beautiful and inspirational site. (M.S. / USA)
- I want to thank you very much, dear Bernard, for the photo montages you are use to offer us at every special day in our sadhana. Thanks again. Hare om. (M.M / Italy)
- The montage for November 17th was excellent. A million thanks (D.N. / Canada)
- My congratulations for your website of photo-montages. It is very nice and inspiring! (M.M / Italy)
- Thank you for the beautiful images ... (H.d.K / Netherlands)
- Bless you! The photo montages moved me very deeply. Your devotion is inspirational. (E.W. / UK)
See also the Guestbook
Emails of September 99
- Thank you for posting this text ( = "The Inconscient"). It seems to me to be the true reply to those who question the place for a new psychology in the stream of Sri Aurobindo's Yoga. It is also exceptionally interesting in and of itself, considering it's date of origin [1915!], and how prophetic it is both about physical science, and the developments of psychology over the years. And finally, it seems to give some good indications of what our task is and ought to be. (W.M. / USA)
- The Mother's presence and Sri Aurobindo's presence transcends the physical boundaries of countries so I am not surprised at all when I see that a Frenchman is maintaining the website. I am happy to note that there a lot of Europeans who are interested in the integral yoga of Sri Aurobindo. (B.R. / Kenya)
- The tabulation of the differences between the actual and broadcast messages, has made the understanding of the actual message easier. Thanks and kind regards. (S. / Botswana)
- Wonderful indeed, Bernard! I am 'startled' at the way you exactly land up in the apt sayings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother! (S. / Botswana)
- Wonderful Bernard! Thank you very much! Yes the baby's name is Indra (born on 9-9-99, see "Birthday-messages for sadhak")[...] It seems like an interesting coincidence, but then again Sri Aurobindo has stated that "there are no coincidences", so it is up to us to find the inner significance. Thanks for sharing and typing in the messages. (B.I. / USA)
- Thanks for the pointers. [...] Your [...] sharing them with us is indeed an act of grace for me. (S.P. / Poona, India)
- Your efforts are Divine, Thanks! (B-A. N / Santa Monica , USA)
- Félicitations pour ton beau site. Fraternellement. (C.D. / Canada)
- Thanks for posting both messages ( = "Message for the Fifteenth August 1947, a Comparison"). I was very interesting see what Sir Aurobindo originally intended to say and it gave me more insight to the Vision of Master for the future of India. August 15 has a sweet significance for me. [...] Thank you once again for your love and efforts (A. / USA)
See also the Guestbook
Messages of August 99
- I would like to tell you how beautiful the montages are, and how much I, for one, appreciate all your work. Thank you for keeping the high road of surrender and sincerity. May your Darshan this year be a very special one with great inspiration. With highest regards, (M.K./ Baton Rouge, USA)
- Thanks for the Montage, I keep it displayed until your next one is available. (T.C../USA)
- Merci beaucoup Bernard pour cette belle prière si bien mise en page. (I.B./Switzerland, Suisse)
- Wonderful site. To have seen it on the eve of Sri Aurobindo's Birthday is a wonderful experience. (D.C., Bengalore, India)
- That photograph of The Mother is superb. It conveys THAT that you want us to recieve from Her. Thanks a million. (S.)
- What a wonderful montage for meditation! Thank you very much. (Bh.)
- It's a real pleasure to communicate with IY people and see Integral Work in action :-) (S./Ukraine)
See also the Guestbook
Other emails (June and July 99) See also the Guestbook
- Thank you for that beautiful picture of Mother. (M.K)
- Successfully downloaded the wonderful picture of Mother and the Blessing message you sent. Thanks a million. (D.N.)
- Mother's blessings! on you too of course! I've already got the montage but it's still nice visiting the page - it sort of brings Her right into the room with that smile. (M.C.)
- Lovely, as art, and as bhakti. Many thanks (W.M.)
- I love your new web site. It is a wonderful and powerful idea to improve the presence of Sri Aurobindo and Mother on the Internet. Like a real WWW they will connect all kind of people all around the world. (L. B.)
- I enjoyed seing your prayer montage and the mother smiling at me... I wondered however if you knew that Mother (somewhere had mentioned) that she should be placed on the right side of Sri Aurobindo, so as to leave her right hand free as its the hand of the Shakti. C'est tout. Thanks anyway. (R.)
[My comment 1: Yes, I know. But if you read the Story you will see that the montage has been made under guidance. I don't feel like having the right to modify it. The other montages follow the 'rule'.]
[My comment 2: Devotees have now (on June 28, 1999) a special montage in JPG or GIF which correspond to the tradition of placing The Mother on the right of Sri Aurobindo, that is to say on the left of the images]- Thank you Bernard, you do provide so much light to the devotees of Mother and Sri Aurobindo. I have put your sight on my Favourites list. Much love and appreciation. (D.J.)
- I admire your persistance in getting this beautiful picture correct in every sense. Congratulations. (M.K.)
- Ton site est très bien. Quel beau travail! Félicitations!. (C.B.)
- I am a devotee of Mother...for a person who was so aimless in life...Mother showed me the right path.........right now in the US...I wanted Mother's photo on my desktop...and was wondering where to find it....and here i found it! wonderful site sir! Thanking you (B.S.)
- By the way: I really like your work on your website. It is a wonderfull job. Just a little idea: why not put some little thumbnails on you first page. So people can see what the collage looks like and then decide if the want to view the big picture (for slow computers it may take a lot of time to load the collage) (L.B.)
- I really love your site and all the work you put into it. I'm wondering how you could have a job and still devote the very extensive time to do all that work that you do for the collective, and am grateful that you are able to do this. (A.S.)
Emails on the Charts
- My humble thanks to you for a beautiful and inspiring website. I just looked at Sri Aurobindo's astrological chart and read his comments on fate. The way you present things and the colors, it is so beautiful and effective and easy to read. And your links are quite helpful. (J.C.)
- Superb presentation of all relevant statements of Sri Aurobindo on Astrology! A sage presentation indeed, befitting your name! (S.)
- It was wonderful to see the charts and the words of Sri Aurobindo on astrology. [...] The chart as a whole contains two amazing grand trines, one in earth signs and one in fire. This is extremely rare! It is almost an almost graphic illustration of the program of the integral yoga, the union of Matter and Spirit.
You have selected portions of his writings with which I agree, when it comes to astrology. He had a most remarkably temperate and balanced attitude on the subject. [...]
You also quote a statement I do not believe I have seen before, to the effect that astrology is more effective at delineating character than at predicting events. Precisely! This is something that has been driven home to me with renewed force recently, and I am delighted to see that Sri Aurobindo was able to formulate the thought well before it came to me through hard experience. There would be a great deal more to be said about that, perhaps in an astrology textbook!
With much appreciation for your fine contribution (H.H.)- Merci pour les thèmes astrologiques de Mère et Sri Aurobindo (I.B.)