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Sri Aurobindo

Letters from "On the Mother"

from Section 1: "The Mother and the Purpose of Her Embodiment"

- Who is the Mother?
- Recognition of the Mother's divinity

Who is the Mother?

Question: Do you not refer to the Mother (our Mother) in your book "The Mother" ?

Sri Aurobindo: Yes

Question: Is she not the "Individual" Divine Mother who has embodied "the power of these two vaster ways of her existence" [ref: "The Mother" sixth letter, part One] - Transcendent and Universal ?

Sri Aurobindo: Yes

Question: Has she not descended here (amongst us) into the Darkness and Falsehood and Error and Death in her deep and great love for us ?

Sri Aurobindo: Yes

17 August 1938

Question: There are many who hold the view that she was human but now embodies the Divine Mother and her "Meditations and Prayers", they say, explain this view.
But to my mental conception, to my psychic feeling, she is the Divine Mother who has consented to put on her the cloak of obscurity and suffering and ignorance so that she can effectively lead us - human beings - to Knowledge and Bliss and Ananda and to the Supreme Lord.

Sri Aurobindo: The Divine puts on an appearance of humanity, assumes the outward human nature in order to tread the path and show it to human beings, but does not cease to be the Divine. It is a manifestation that takes place, a manifestation of a growing divine consciousness, not human turning into divine. The Mother was inwardly above the human even in childhood, so the view held by "many" is erroneous.

Question: I also conceive that the Mother's "Prayers and Meditations" are meant to show us - the aspiring psychic - how to pray to the Divine.

Sri Aurobindo: Yes

17 August 1938


There are people who start at once, others take time.
X recognised the Mother as divine at first sight and has been happy ever afterwards; others who rank among Mother's devotees took years to discover or admit it, but they arrived all the same. There are people who had nothing but difficulties and revolts for the first five, six, seven or more years of the sadhana, yet the psychic ended by awaking. The time taken is a secondary matter: the one thing needful is - soon or late, easily or with difficulty, to get there.

(without date, 1936 ?)

Sri Aurobindo

in: SABCL, volume 25, "The Mother": With "Letters on the Mother" and "Prayers and Meditations" (translations from Prières et Méditations de la Mère)
Part Two "Letters on the Mother" - Section 5 "Opening and Surrender to the Mother" (pages 134-135)
published by Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Pondicherry
diffusion by SABDA

- Who is the Mother?
- Recognition of the Mother's divinity

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