This book is written mainly for the disciples and devotees of Sri
Aurobindo and the Mother. They have been very eager to know something
about the outer life of the Master, which, because of his seclusion
for many years, remained behind a veil.
The Mother was not so far willing to let us lift that veil. But either
because of Sri Aurobindo's Centenary Year or for other reasons, when
I proposed to write an account of our historic personal association
with the Master during the last twelve years of his life, the
Mother warmly approved of it.
Not only so, she very graciously listened to the whole story. An "outsider"
may find the book filled in places with devotional outpourings, miraculous
phenomena and mystical overtones. But I have tried to the best of
my power to give a faithful account of what I have seen and heard
and what part we played in the great drama with the Master as the
principal actor. Naturally, subjective impressions could not be quite
left out, for it was not my purpose to draw an entirely detached description
of my experience.
Yet those who are interested in having an objective picture of the
most sublimely enigmatic Person of the modern age, one whom thousands
have felt to be a veritable God-Man, will have, I believe, sufficient
food to satisfy their seeking.
For the rest, his own works are there in which to dive and gather
the treasures of his supreme vision and unparalleled realisation.
in "Twelve years with Sri Aurobindo"
published by Sri
Aurobindo Ashram - Pondicherry
diffusion by SABDA