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from "Twelve years with Sri Aurobindo"

Agreement of the Mother

- Agreement of the Mother (manuscript)
0 - Foreword
1 - The Unexpected
2 - The Recovery
3 - The House of the Lord
4 - The Divine Mother
5 - War and politics
6 - Savitri
7 - Attendants
8 - Talks
9 - Laughter of the Gods
10 - Correspondence and Interviews
11 - God Departs
12 - Conclusion: He is here
- Postscript
- Appendix

Agreement jpg 13 Kb

Grâce à Nirod
nous avons la révélation
de tout un côté
inconnu de ce qu'était
Sri Aurobindo

it is extremely interesting
and very instructive


in "Twelve years with Sri Aurobindo"

published by Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Pondicherry
diffusion by SABDA

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