Montage made for Darshan-Day April 24, 2001
NO GIF Version
Concentration in the heart is one method, concentration in the head
(or above) is another; both are included in this yoga and one has to do
whichever one finds easiest and most natural. The object of the concentration in the heart is to open the centre there (heart-lotus), to feel the presence of the Divine Mother in the heart and to become aware of one's soul or psychic being which is a portion of the Divine. The object of the concentration in the head is to rise to the Divine Consciousness and bring down the Light of the Mother or her Force or Ananda into all the centres. Sri Aurobindo in "Letters on Yoga" Part 2, Section 6 "Sadhana through Meditation" SABCL Volume 23, page 747 published by Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Pondicherry diffusion by SABDA |