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Horoscopes have no importance for those who take up yoga.
(The Mother)

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When you take to yoga, horoscope does not hold good, because another force enters into play. After that, the predictions are only true as far as you carry with you parts of your ancient life into the new one. This is a well known fact.
At least to know what is going to happen may induce one to react and to stand against these limitations and break them.
I would say in such cases, "This will not happen". Why should I submit to what is imposed by these vital forces?
If the divine is in me, I am the master of my destiny.

Sri Aurobindo (ca. winter 1928)

in a letter reported by Champaklal
in "Champaklal speaks", section "Correspondence" pages 243-244


Horoscopes have no importance for those who take up yoga, because the influence that works through yoga is much more powerful than the influence of the stars.

The Mother
in CWM vol 15 "Words of The Mother", section "Religion and Occultism", page 39

both published by Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Pondicherry
diffusion by SABDA

Montage made for Darshan Day 15 August 2002

The astrological chart on the collage is Sri Aurobindo's. You can find it complete on this site here in JPG, here in GIF
(The Mother's chart is here in JPG, here in GIF)

Read on this site other opinions of Sri Aurobindo on astrology and yoga.

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