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It is just, just the door opened - that is all, now one must go on.
It was this, the work that Sri Aurobindo had given me. Now I understand.
(The Mother)

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The change is done. That is to say, the material conditions elaborated by the mind, fixed by it, that appeared to be inevitable to such an extent that those who had a living experience of the higher worlds thought that one must flee from the world, give up this material world if one wanted to live in the truth.
B ut now it is no longer like that.
The physical is capable of receiving the higher Light, the Truth, the true Consciousness and of manifesting it. It is not easy, it needs endurance and will, but a day will come when this will be quite natural. It is just, just the door opened - that is all, now one must go on.
It was this, the work that Sri Aurobindo had given me. Now I understand.
(The Mother)

That quote comes from a text of the Mother in "Notes on the Way" - 14 March 1970
Read the complete text of Mother's talk on 14 March 1970

Montage made for Darshan Day 24 April 2002

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