- Photos JPG of Sri
Aurobindo on the WebSite of the Sri Aurobindo Society - Pondicherry
- India (external link) (verified June 12, 2002
- sometimes broken try again)
- Photos JPG of The
Mother on the WebSite of the Sri Aurobindo Society - Pondicherry
- India (external link) (verified June 12, 2002
- sometimes broken try again)
- Photos JPG of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother and a VIDEO
of Mother's last darshan (to be seen with Real Player) at the Website
of Mysticfire (external link) (verified
June 12, 2002)
- Beautiful photos
of the Samadhi of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother at the Ashram
(JPG). If your browser does not read SHTML pages, have first
access at a page where you can click on the word "Samadhi" (external
link) (verified June 12, 2002)
- Another photo-gallery
of the Ashram and the Samadhi of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother
(JPG) at one site on
Pondicherry (external link) (verified June
12, 2002)
- Extraordinary photo: Mother
playing organ (JPG) on a German
site of the IFE (external link) (verified
June 12, 2002)
- *** Photo-Gallery
of Sri Aurobindo and Mother (JPG), also with the photos
of SAS website and montages from this site, on the Russian site of
Igor Savenkov (external link, sometimes slow or down: don't hesitate
to try again) (verified June 12, 2002)
- Superb
Photo-Gallery of 18 images JPG of Mother on the Website
of Arun Sundar (external link) (verified
June 12, 2002)
Kiruthika Ramanathan's Website: photos of Mother and Sri Aurobindo
(now in JPG-format) (external link) (verified
June 12, 2002)
- 20
Paintings and drawings by the Mother and a little
dynamic Photo-Gallery on Helmecke's
site (in German/ auf Deutsch) (external link) (verified
June 12, 2002)
- Mother's House in Rue du Val-de-Grâce
Paris (JPG 61 Kb) with a text from
Sujata's "Mirra the Occultist" regarding Mother's statements
on that house. (internal)
- 11 color-photos of The Mother and 2 drawings of her in big format
on this Website.
with that link and continue by clicking on the little numbers
above on the screen. (external link) (verified
June 12, 2002)
- *** 17 color-photos (+ 1 BW) of Mother added on the Russian site
of Igor Savenkov at that
page (verified June 12, 2002)
and again 14 photos on that
other page. (external link) (verified June
12, 2002)
- 20
photos of Sri Aurobindo and Mother (black and white and colors).
Thumbnails and big sizes on the Website
for the forum on Integral Yoga (external link) (verified
June 12, 2002)
- 16
photos of The Mother and 6
of Sri Aurobindo on the Website of the Sri
Aurobindo Society at Singapore (external link) (this
link seems to be broken on June 12, 2002)
- Two
new photos of The Mother's house at Paris, Rue du Val de Grace
in the Newsletter of June 2001 of the Sri
Aurobindo Society, Pondicherry. (external link) (verified
June 12, 2002)
- New-Link
35 photos of Sri Aurobindo, plus 38 photos of the Mother (with a few
in colors) and 9 of both on a special
gallery-page of the Mirapuri site [Note: on the opposite of
what is indicated on this site, all photos are copyrighted by the
Sri Aurobindo Ashram and/or the Sri Aurobindo Trust in Pondicherry
- India] (external link) (verified June 12,