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Who is

Georges van Vrekhem ?

From the back-cover of "Beyond The Human Species":

Georges van Vrekhem is a Flemish-speaking Belgian. He became quite well known in his country as a poet and playwright. For some time he was the artistic manager of a professional theater company, the "Nederlands Toneel te Gent".

He was first acquainted with the works of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother in 1964. In 1970 he joined the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry, and in 1978 he became a member of Auroville, where he has made his home since.

He has translated several books of Sri Aurobindo, The Mother and Satprem, as well as selected writings from the Ramayana and the Mahabharata into Dutch.

After a thirty-year study of the source material, he has worked for six years on this impressive book.

This book was published as Beyond Man in Dutch in The Netherlands in 1995 and in English in India in 1997. These editions were widely acclaimed. It is being translated into French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Russian.

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A self presentation of Georges van Vrekhem is to be found on the special page about the speakers at AUM 98 on the Website of "Collaboration".
You will also find there his email, his address in Auroville and a review of "Beyond The Human Species" by Carel Thieme.

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"Beyond the Human Species" of Georges van Vrekhem
is published by Paragon House, St Paul, Minnesota, USA
also: diffusion by SABDA
see the Sabda Website (page: Works of Other Authors)

Back to the biography of Satprem by van Vrekhem

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