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Satprem 1964


A recent letter (January 1999)
Une lettre récente (janvier 1999)

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In April 1999, I communicated a recent letter of Satprem to the AuroConference.
You will find below the text of my message, followed by my translation of Satprem's letter and then the original message in French.

En avril 1999, j'ai envoyé un message à AuroConf.
Vous trouverez ci-dessous le texte (anglais) de ce message, puis ma traduction de la lettre de Satprem en anglais, enfin l'original français du texte de Satprem.


Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 13:49:33 -0400
Subject: Recents news from Satprem
To: Auroconf-List

Dear Auroconferees,

Some weeks back, I happened to read the February 99 issue of "Le Courrier de l'Institut de Recherches Evolutives". The IRE is, as you know, the Institute in Paris which publishes Mother's Agenda and Satprem's and Sujata's books.
In that issue there was a photocopied letter of Satprem who was responding to an "anonymous" person who had written to "Le Courrier" and had complainded to be "abandoned on the side of the path/way" because the Institute would conceal Staprem's letters. And this anonymous accused the Institut to want to "create again a new Ashram, blocking and censoring the letters, and making of Satprem a private propriety of the Institute".
That letter had been forwarded to Satprem who has written back the following answer.
Sujata has added some lines.

I have tried to translate the letters into English as good as my knowledge in English can do it (that is to say, not very good). After the translation, you will find the original in French for those who can read it directly, and who want perhaps translate it better than I did.

I am not a fan of Satprem, and I don't want to take part in the confrontation between Satprem, the Institute, the Ashram and Auroville. But I have found of interest that Satprem writes something, and I have thought that you could find it also of interest.
I believe that you can understand that this posting has to be taken as a simple information.
Everyone may, of course, reacts according to one's temper and understanding.

In Sri Aurobindo's and Mother's Light and Love


Marseilles - France - April 28, 1999 - 07:45 PM at GMT + 2

January 99

I don't know if I have "thousands" of brothers and sisters, like you say it, but I feel the Fate of the Earth in my heart, that is bleeding because of the centuries of sorrow and of Falsehood.(or Lie/Untruth).
First a first Falsehood/Lie/Untruth or a poison in your letter when you insinuate that we want to "create again a new Ashram" at the Institute - or, if you don't blame me for this singular ineptitude which belies (denies) all that I am being and that I have been doing for so many years, you kindly blame my true brothers and my true sisters who are busy at the
Institute in Paris. Really, you must be totally idiotic or corrupted in your conscience if you can express such thoughts.
But I understand/see - if I admit that you are sincere - that you want to know the day-to-day progress of the Work... How far the progress has come in a billion of reluctant atoms which inherits and absorbs the Resistance or the virulent Negation of a billion of a billion of little "human" - and lesser and lesser human - atoms. You can read the newspapers, set your radios on and hear the "progress" of that huge and hypnotic Falsehood/Lie/Untruth which prevails everywhere.
There, one is a Shout/Cry, or a Prayer, or a Fire which is desperately burning for having Something Else. There is no other "progress" than this Fire and this Prayer, and everybody may be in his own way/manner a Fire or a Prayer, and it is the only way/manner that that Something Else happens here and on the Earth. There is no "formula", nor catechism, nor philosophical discourse for the understanding and the part-taking in that "hastening of the Hour" Mother was speaking of - if one were a hero, Mother said, one could hasten the Hour. There is no other heroism or "progress" than those silent and praying and lonesome steps/paces on a Boulevard or in a subway of here or there.
Everybody DIGS OUT in his own way in the muddy Night of the Earth.
It is the only Progress in the Work.
And a day WILL COME, I know it, and it is the only thing I know, else I am in the same Night as you are in, and I pray, I burn and I call, I call.
Facts will speak by themselves (unaided), without discourses around them.
But I am keen to say it again: if you speak of a "new Ashram", you are in the Poison and the Falsehood/Lie/Untruth which wants to creep into each place, yes "the black and sticky fingers" of the Falsehood/Lie/Untruth - into each place, sadly everywhere.
But it will go by.
We are going elsewhere and out of all this into that Future that pushes/urges in spite of all and of everyone.



Dear Anonymous,

"abandoned on the side of the path/way", you say ? But how can you say that, if you are really walking on the Path/Way ? You should have found some footprints which have preceded yours. Have you at any time in your life TRIED to follow the Mother's Path/Way onto the future of the earth ? Or is it still a PLAY OF THE MIND which you have played and are continuing to play ?


French original letters:

Janvier 99

Je ne sais pas si j'ai "des milliers" de frères et soeurs, comme vous le dites - mais je sens le Destin de la Terre dans mon coeur tout saignant de siècles de peine et de Mensonge.
D'abord un premier Mensonge ou un poison dans votre lettre lorsque vous insinuez que nous voulons "recréer un nouvel Ashram" à l'Institut - ou si vous ne me mettez pas sur le dos cette singulière ineptie qui dément tout ce que je suis et fais depuis X années, vous le mettez obligeamment sur le dos des frères vrais et des soeurs vraies qui s'occupent de notre Institut à Paris. Vraiment il faut être tout à fait imbécile ou corrompu dans la conscience pour émettre de pareilles pensées. Mais je comprends - en admettant votre sincérité - que vous vouliez savoir dans le quotidien le progrès du Travail... Où est le progrès dans un milliard d'atomes récalcitrants qui hérite et absorbe la Résistance ou la Négation virulente d'un milliard de milliard de petits atomes "humains", et de moins en moins humains. Vous pouvez lire les journaux, ouvrir vos radios pour entendre le "progrès" de cet énorme Mensonge hypnotique qui règne partout.
Là-dedans, on est un Cri, ou une Prière, ou un Feu qui brûle désespérément pour Autre Chose. Il n'y a pas d'autre "progrès" que ce Feu et cette Prière, et chacun à sa manière peut être un Feu ou une Prière, et c'est la seule manière de faire Devenir cette Autre Chose ici et sur la Terre. Il n'y a pas de "formule" ni de catéchisme ni de discours philosophiques pour comprendre et participer à ce "hâter l'Heure" dont parlait Mère - si l'on était un héros, disait Mère, on pourrait hâter l'Heure. Il n'y a pas d'autre héroïsme ou d'autre "progrès" que ces pas silencieux et priants et solitaires sur un Boulevard ou un métro d'ici ou là.
Chacun CREUSE à sa manière dans la Nuit bourbeuse de la Terre.
C'est le seul Progrès dans le Travail.
Et un jour VIENDRA, je le sais, et c'est la seule chose que je sais, sinon je suis dans la même Nuit que vous à prier et brûler et appeler-appeler.
Les Faits parleront d'eux-mêmes, sans discours autour.
Mais je tiens à le redire : si vous parlez de "nouvel Ashram", vous êtes dans le Poison et le Mensonge qui veut s'insinuer partout, oui : "les doigts noirs et gluants" du Mensonge - partout et tristement partout.
Mais ça passera.
Nous allons ailleurs et hors de tout cela dans cet Avenir qui pousse en dépit de tout et de tous.



Monsieur l'Anonyme,

"laissés sur le bord du chemin" vous dites ? Mais comment pouvez-vous le dire, si vraiment vous marchez sur le Chemin ? Vous auriez dû trouver les traces des pas qui ont précédé les vôtres. Avez-vous, à aucun moment de votre vie, ESSAYÉ de suivre le Chemin de Mère vers l'avenir de la terre ? Ou c'est toujours un JEU DU MENTAL que vous avez joué et continuez à jouer ?


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