The Vision of the Path-Finder

On Mars GIF 118 Kb

"Unhappy is the man or the nation which, when the divine moment arrives, is found sleeping or unprepared to use it, because the lamp has not been kept trimmed for the welcome and the ears are sealed to the call.
But thrice woe to them who are strong and ready, yet waste the force or misuse the moment; for them is irreparable loss or a great destruction"

Sri Aurobindo: "The Hour of God" (1918)

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On February 25, 1999 at 01:45 PM, while I was at work, I suddenly heard the sentence: "On Mars They came to me". Mars is an other word for Marseilles in the rap/hip-hop culture of the city here. As usual I made a notice and left it aside.
Later on, in May, I read an entire section of 'On Himself" with the title "Difficulties of the Path-finders". I remembered then that I had the photos of Pathfinder on Mars which I had downloaded the very day it was on the planet.
On June 23, 1999 I had finally time to make the montage and to find its title.
On July 9, 1999 while preparing the montage for the site, I received the instruction to quote the passage from "The Hour of God"

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